Welcome to the New South Wales Bird Atlassers Inc.

Here you will find information about NSW Bird Atlassers (NSWBA),  its members and activities relating to the monitoring of birds in New South Wales, Australia.  To navigate through the site use the menus located at the top of every page.

We conduct regular excursions so if you enjoy birdwatching you should make a point of regularly checking the upcoming events in our field trips section. Our two sub-branches also have regular field trips, their schedules are found on our contacts page. If you are interested in looking after our feathered friends and their home have a glance at our conservation section. 

4 WadersNSW Bird Atlassers Inc produces several interesting publications which are available to members at a discount.

Membership is only $25 a year per family, group or individual (due on the 1st of January each year).  New members receive an Atlas Kit providing a detailed guide on how to Atlas, quarterly newsletters and you can join in camp-outs and other field days. As an Atlasser you can combine enjoyment of your bird watching interest, with a contribution to scientific knowledge of birds, thus playing a positive role to their preservation.

Our forthcoming Gallery of bird photography will exhibit some excellent photography from club members. Construction will begin in 2016. We anticipate that the Gallery will be a popular area and we would like to build it into a useful resource. We will be featuring more member's work as it comes to hand.

If you have images that you would like to see exhibited on our web site, or other non-copyright protected media relating to birds in NSW that you think would be of interest to our visitors just contact the New Web Master.


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